Sunday, November 16, 2014

Saturday Trip

This Saturday I took a trip with a friend and a group from her church to Branson. The destination was the Sight and Sound Theater presentation of the Bible story of Jonah. I've been hearing about this theater and was looking forward to the trip. The lunch stop was planned to be at Lambert's Cafe in Ozark, MO. I'd also heard of Lambert's - "Home of the Throwed Rolls". This, I thought, would be interesting, but not a place that had been on my 'bucket list'.
I was pleasantly surprised! The food was very good, the atmosphere fun and very few rolls landed on the floor. It seems the tradition begin when the cook was too busy to pass rolls around with a nice "would you like a roll?", and a customer said "just throw me one". Now the wait staff throws rolls to diners from across the dining room, or if you're not so adventurous, just across your table. And the rolls are piping hot as well as delicious. As if there aren't enough calories in the large servings you'll get later, a server comes by with a bucket of sorghum molasses to pour on your roll.
I felt like I was in deeper south than north-west Missouri with a look at the menu of chicken fried steak, fried catfish, hog jowl, country ham steaks and more. Besides the generous servings, there are pre-meal, meal, and post meal offerings of 'pass-arounds', as servers come by each table with kettles of fried okra, black-eyed peas, fried potatoes and onions, and macaroni and tomatoes. If your plate is full, just tear a brown paper towel from the roll on the table.
I had Chicken Tenders with beets and chunky applesauce.
More than I could eat!

My friend had the Chicken Fried Round Steak-
'Hen' size (not 'Rooster') was 'only' 11 oz. 

We left the restaurant with no plans or needs for a supper stop after the show. In fact, many left with carry-out boxes of leftovers. This was a fun and filling lunch stop, I'd recommend it whether that's your 'bucket list' or not.

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